Tuesday, October 18, 2011

APPSC GROUP-II Examination 2011 Results likely to be declared in the month of DECEMBER-2011

According to the official information, APPSC Group-II examination 2011 results will be declared by the end of the December 2011. The AP state government wants to declare the results at the earliest in keeping view of the honourable chief Minister promise for providing 15Lakhs Jobs by the end of 2013. By the end of this year or in the quarter of the next year the APPSC is planning to release various notifications in filling the large number of vacancies in various departments especially in Police Department,Teacher Posts,Revenue Department, Municipality and other sections.

Statistical Data of APPSC Group-II Examination 2011

Total No. of Candidates Applied Online
Total No. of Candidates downloaded the Hall Tickets
Total No. of Candidates Appeared  for the Examination(Approximately)
Paper I
Paper II
Paper III

    Total Percentage : 69.7%
The attendance percentage is increased compared to the previous year’s 2005(56.54%) and 2008(65.71%)